

Halloween and haunt lover Michael Gavin was born in Long Island, New York, in 1966. Shortly after his family moved to Florida in 1974, he discovered the art of horror makeup via a school book fair purchase. From there, a lifelong love of monsters and things that go bump in the night evolved.

After a wonderful gig at year-round haunted house Terror on Church Street came to an end when the attraction closed, he founded the first ghost tour of Orlando, Florida. Mr. Gavin has written for GHOST! Magazine and several popular theme park blogs (sharing both fascinating stories and vivid photography). His passion for ghost stories and cemeteries is a perfect fit for the photos within.

He has been the photographer for several pop-culture conventions and his images have been used to promote many Central Florida attractions, as well as appearing in Playboy (online), Forbes (online), Orlando Weekly, Inside the Magic, GHOST! Magazine, J. Michael Roddy’s A Haunter’s Tale I & II, and more.

The  images within Engravings are but a fraction of the thousands of cemetery- and haunt-related photos Mr. Gavin has taken over the years.

Visit www.michaelgavin.viewbug.com to view more of his work.

Books by Michael