The Blood of the Covenant
Brent Monahan
As if performing an art restoration of a timeless masterpiece, Brent Monahan reveals the true image of the vampire trapped hidden beneath the layers of myth applied by man.
Rare books curator Simon Penn has learned the sinister truth hidden within the ancient scrolls fate has placed in his care. He has seen it in the vampire Vincent DeVilbiss - and in the woman he loves, Frederika Vanderveen. But DeVilbiss was merely the herald of Hell's most terrible vampiric emissary - one who will stalk them and the scrolls to the ends of the earth and back to Princeton University for a final confrontation - to ensure that the world is plunged into an unending nightmare of blood.
In Monahan's able hands, the vampire transcends past legendary conceptions and modern pop-culture interpretations to become something more...human. Not confined to the night, to mindless bloodlust, to destruction - not even bound by immortality and eternal agelessness. Thoughtful. Charming. Cultured. And flawed. Driven by very human desires and hungers: the lust for power, for pleasure, for freedom - and, after nearly five centuries of servitude to the dark powers, for redemption.
“A heaven-sent vampire novel set in Princeton University, sequel to the smartly amusing ‘The Book of Common Dread’, which featured a 500-year-old, piano-playing bloodsucker whose great love was Bach…Vampire vitamins for the intelligently bloodthirsty.”